LSAC Applicant References

Letters of Recommendation (LORs)

LSAC's Letter of Recommendation Service is an easy way for you to provide your candid appraisal of an applicant's ability, academic and otherwise, to study law, including qualities of mind and character, dedication, responsibility, and readiness for the rigors of advanced academic study. You can choose electronic or paper submission of letters. Letters submitted on paper must bear your signature. Regardless of submission method, all letters must include LSAC's Letter of Recommendation Form.

You may wish to include in your letter how well you know the applicant and in what capacity, your assessment of the relative strength of the applicant within the reference group in which candidate is being compared, and how the applicant will add to the diversity of the law school. Overcoming adversity, rising to challenges, and achieving beyond expectations are among the many factors that are helpful in assessing applicants.

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